
Applying for a DLS Award

Download an application form

Download these details and rules

Rules modified in 2022, (introduction updated in 2024)

The Dorothy L Sayers Society make an annual award to a young ringer, enabling the recipient to attend a recognised training course to improve her ringing skills.

Dorothy Leigh Sayers (1893 –1957) was a renowned English crime writer, poet, playwright, essayist, translator, and Christian humanist. She was also a student of classical and modern languages. One of her most famous crime novels, The Nine Tailors, centres around the bell ringers at a parish church in the Fens. Tradition has it that Dorothy joined the Ladies Guild and was taught to ring by members of the Guild. Hence the connection between the Dorothy L Sayers Society and the Ladies Guild of Change Ringers.

Applications for the Dorothy L Sayers Young Lady Ringer of the Year are normally invited at the AGM in June for the following year. 

An applicant must be under the age of 22 on 30th April in the year of their application, should be a paid up member of the Ladies' Guild and should have attended a minimum of three Ladies' Guild meetings or events during the previous 24 months (to be verified by a District officer).

An applicant should apply for the award by completing an application form. This includes writing no more than 300 words, saying why they enjoy belonging to the Ladies Guild and and how they would benefit from attending a recognised training course (such Bradfield, Hereford or the North West Ringing Course. The completed application form, should be sent to the District Secretary of the applicant's district, for forwarding to the President of the Ladies Guild. 

You can download an application form here.

Rules for the Award

For information, the rules for the award are:

Time Scale

Current contact details for the Guild President, and for all the District Secretaries, are on the Ladies Guild website: here